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Sexual Dreams & Christianity: Are sex dreams a sin? What are their meaning?

Free Ebook: Your Brain On Porn

Wired for Intimacy: How Pornography Hijacks the Male Brain by William M. Struthers

Video Mentioned: Why am I watching porn?

Sex dreams are something that many Christians experience but do not know what to do with them.

Can you control them and keep them from happening? Do you need to repent after having them? Could your sex dreams be a gift from God?

Men and women alike have sexualized dreams (sometimes called nocturnal emissions or wet dreams). This is especially true for recovering sex addicts.

In this video I want to help you understand your sex dreams by thinking through what the Bible says, medical research and my experiences; both personally and in counseling.

Let's discuss these dreams and look for a redemptive interpretation of them and keep you on your road to freedom from porn, lust and sexual addiction.


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